TNA iMPACT!, Midway Games, Inc.
Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash

TNA Wrestling, one of my major projects, spans four game platforms: XBOX 360, Playstation 3, Playstation 2, and Nintendo Wii. Through my work on this project, I was able to increase my design skills and techniques.

My assignments included the following:

  • Creating various screen backgrounds and screen layouts:
    • The legal screen background: This is the first screen that the players see.
    • Controller layout screen: At first pass we had the controller displayed on screen with the moves pointed out. Then, because there were several button combinations, we simplified it to a list that displays all the different button combinations.
    • Loading screen tips: This screen is shown while each game mode is loading.
  • Creating button prompts, including the various game controllers for the different game platforms (XBOX 360, Playstation 2 and 3, the Wii Remote, and the Wii Classic Controller).
  • Creating screen icons that correspond to different menu items.
  • Image manipulation and enhancements:
    • I manipulated game controller images to suit the look and feel of the game. In order to accomplish this, I corrected the colors and lighting, smoothed out the texture, and enhanced the buttons.
    • Random player display: When players cannot decide on a player to use, they can choose a random player to let the game decide. I designed the image of the random player.
    • The majority of my tasks involved manipulating and enhancing raw images (photographs) of the 30 TNA wrestlers. I cleaned up these images using textures, brightening colors, and creating better lighting. Through these tasks I was able to refine my image manipulation techniques.

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