Stabilis Tattoo
Software: Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator | LAUNCH SITE

I worked as part of a 5-person team to create an interactive Flash website for a class assignment. We created this website based on a fictional tattoo parlor, Stabilis Tattoo. The site includes each artist's biography as well as tattoo galleries, customer testimonial videos, and general information about the shop.

As a member of the team, my responsibilities included:

  • Discussing and planning the look and feel of the site, including color scheme, graphics, interactivity, and general content layout.
  • Designing the site's border graphics using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
  • Creating each artist's profile, including descriptions and images for the tattoo galleries, and animating the interactive scrolling for the images.
  • Formatting the shop's basic information which included the shop's address and contacts.
  • Animating the bottom text links.

Project Gallery